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Monday, March 18, 2013

Sometimes it's hard to smile

Call it an over the 30 hill crisis but I've been having down days lately, where it's been too hard to smile. It's been easier just to sulk. I've spent quite a bit of time asking questions to things beyond my control and just feeling blah. Considering I'm in Michigan maybe it's the weather that has me feeling the blues. Or maybe every step forward seems to be followed by 2 steps back But I'm still trudging along. Regardless of how bad I feel on those off days I won't allow myself to stay there. But sometimes I've just felt like feeling sorry for myself, my disappointments and wanting to wallow in self-pity. I've asked myself things like why couldn't my children have both parents in the home? Why doesn't my children's father do more or at least put forth more effort? Why does my mom have to be sickly? Why do I feel like I'm starting over? Why am I not where I want to be in life? What changes do I need to make to expedite things? So as you can see I've really been on a roll with my thoughts. I've really been feeling some type of way. I've just felt like it's hard not to ask these questions. Sometimes it's hard to look past your issues. Sometimes you do just want to be mad, feel down and upset and ask questions that really have no "good" answer. So as much as my mind went there I also had these thoughts to take me out of my funk. What purpose would it serve to keep feeling down? Is it helping me and/or bettering me to feel this way? The answer ...probably not. See we do need to acknowledge those thoughts and emotions because they are real. The thing is you cannot get caught up in them. Life isn't perfect and it isn't always fair. That's just the reality of things. There will be days that seem like your smile, your positivity, your progress is nonexistent. In those moments scream, shout, yell, cry ...do whatever you need to do to get those feelings out. Then dry your tears, take a deep breath and with your head held high keep moving forward. If you have a setback acknowledge it, they happen but they are not meant to make you stop! They are only meant to make you work harder, to recognize any mistakes and to teach you strength. When you find yourself feeling down, in the middle of a setback or just having a difficult time do like me and repeat these words... 1. There is more for me. 2. There is better for me. 3. I'm not done. 4. Anything God brings me to, He will bring me through. Say it over and over until you believe it. Say it until those feelings of uncertainty pass and your smile returns. There are ups and downs to life. Things will happen that make no sense. There will be things that we wish we could change. To those thoughts also keep in mind that trouble doesn't last always. Everything isn't for you to necessarily understand but you do need to trust that everything will work itself out just as it's suppose to. To every "thing" that we face there is a lesson and usually a Blessing. So as I go through my over the hill crisis I'm also learning. I'm learning things about myself, I'm learning that things do not have to happen in my time for things to turn out right. Most of all I've learned that in spite of all the stuff going on there is Always a reason to smile! I know I was meant to live a Fabulous life and I mean to live it (smiling). Thanks for taking the time to read my blog I hope you enjoyed it and that it helps if you find yourself feeling down. My blogs are meant to encourage you and help you know you are not alone. Please share any comments and take the time to SUBSCRIBE. Also like my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/womenin3D Thanks Again!


  1. Nesha,

    Once again, thank you for putting words to what I (and probably a lot of others) deal with on a regular basis. And thank you for being brave enough to share it with us.

  2. This is beautiful Nesha. I'm connecting with this on so many levels right now. Take heart that these questions are just the beginning of God's grace manifesting in your life. I'm definitely encouraged and pray that these days come less and less for you.
