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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Broadening our Scope at Women in 3D

My writings are usually inspired about something I've went through or things I see going on with us women. My writings are meant to be real yet always ending on a positive note. My approach is to help you realize there is always a flip side to things. Always a positive take on things. That something may not help you right then but trust yourself that you'll figure it out. Maybe you will need help. Maybe you will face harder times first, remember the saying it usually gets worse before better. However remember "trouble" doesn't last always. So I'm writing this to say I've decided to broaden my scope some. I will not just write about finding your way but also I will talk on current events/maybe even past events that have touched me. Why? To bring awareness. To start a dialogue. To open the door to conversing about those things that need discussion. To make an attempt at resolution or discussing possible resolution. So as we continue on our journey we definitely will keep encouraging each other, uplifting one another and continuing to grow. After all that's the core of what Women In 3D is all about. But now is also the time for growth, to explore other subjects as well. Thanks for continuing on with me and Thank you so much for your support. Live Your Fabulous Life! xoxo

Trayvon Martin...the Black community's love child

We have fallen in love with this boy as if he were our own son. We look at him and we see our brown children who others put labels on. We look at him and we see our youth, our next generation being taken from us senselessly. Trayvon Martin has become the new face for the Black community's fight for justice and for our want to end racism/profiling. So I'm sure many of you are like me engrossed in this trial. Watching and waiting on the edge of our seats for the verdict. This verdict will say a lot about our country and the direction we're headed in. For the first time since the Rodney King beating/police acquittal we witnessed blacks uniting. We saw everyone (young, old, rich, poor) take a stand and demand Action. We were on one accord. We felt Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin's pain and we stood as a united force. No acts of violence, no disrespectful speeches but a call to law officials to do what was right. Arrest and Bring this man to trial! And we showed up in big numbers. We signed petitions, sported our hoodies in Trayvon's honor, took to social media and forced the mainstream media to share this story. 44 days after Trayvon Martin was gunned down for being a Black teen wearing a hoodie, an arrest was made. I bet Martin Luther King Jr. smiled in that moment. Watching as we all came together seeking a common goal. It was a moment we all should be proud of. Now it's time to do it again. As we send up prayers for this family as they endure this trial. Watching as their child's death is played out. Sometimes I felt the defense made his life seem irrelevant. Particularly when that knock-knock joke was told (in opening statements). Imagine (as I'm sure most of us have) that this was our son. Still a kid, still a teen, still in high school, not perfect but yet still finding his way in life. Dealing with the pressures of life for a young black male. Having his dad in his life but not in the home, a sad reality for too many of our young black males these days. Yet doing what most teen males do. Talking to girls, playing video games, making choices that perhaps they shouldn't and seemingly living carefree. Then to be stalked and followed by someone driving around profiling you. You becoming a suspicious person because your skin is dark, hoodie up and hands in your pocket. Being viewed as a threat and doing something wrong because that's what boys who look like you are assumed to do. Being guilty of nothing more than being young and black. As this man keeps following you, you become alert and on edge because you do not know his motive. Next thing you know he is now out of his vehicle and approaching you. You are near home...do you keep running or try to lose the guy first...I mean what are his intentions as you're walking alone and vulnerable in the rain. Sounds like the start of a drama movie huh? Yet this happened in real life. A fight breaks out with the young, teen black boy at a disadvantage because the other guy came with a loaded gun. Ultimately shooting and killing young Trayvon Martin. Now this man is on trial for murder which he likes to call self defense. How could this be when you went looking for trouble? You could've drove away or watched from your vehicle until an officer of the law arrived or identified yourself or simply left the boy alone. After all he was only walking home in the rain. Today he's gone. HIS (Trayvon Martin's) story will never be told. So let's stay tuned to this story and remember his parents who have to endure this pain and mockery day to day. Let's stand together again and declare we will NOT, we CANNOT watch another one of our children lose their life to this foolishness called racial profiling yet labeled as self defense. Trayvon, Sybrina and Tracy we stand behind you and support you!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Women In 3D's Pledge...

Please repeat after me ... I will continue to move Forward, toward the life of My dreams. I will Not allow Anyone or Anything to deter nor stop me. I will strive for Greatness because I am worth it. I am as Great as I Believe I am. I am a Woman in 3D...Diverse, Determined and Destined. Let's get it Ladies...Love you ALL and Thank You for all of the support, I can't tell you how much it is appreciated!!! xoxo

Looking Forward...

The other day while taking a stroll through the park two young girls jogged by me. Both appearing very carefree, laughing and like me just enjoying the weather and atmosphere. They looked about high school aged. As I watched these young girls all I thought of was "I remember those days". The days of not having a care in the world. When my biggest worries were what I was wearing to school or what I was doing over the weekend. Then I thought.... Wow to have your whole life before you. To have your whole future to still look forward to. Those things you stress over today that seem so big now yet years later they will seem so irrelevant. It made me stop and think about if I could go back to those days what would I redo. We all have at one point or another did this. Some just ran things through their minds, some spoke them out loud and others like me jotted them down. The thing about doing this is that ...it is Okay to acknowledge these things. Acknowledge the areas where we may have slacked but also know it is Never too late! A smart person came up with the saying, "It's not about how you begin but rather how you end that matters" (author unknown). Those two girls gave me a boost without knowing it. I remembered old promises I had made to myself. I remembered goals still undone. I vowed right there to go harder. To stay grounded and yet to soar. To not let go of my vision and my purpose and My Happy! See I never stopped dreaming (Thank God). I never gave up on me. However life did happen in a sequence that I wasn't always prepared for. Life happened when I wasn't always ready. Life happened while I was busy making plans. But Now ...in that moment of witnessing youth and Hope and an unknownn future passing by me I realized that my work is truly undone. I started to encourage Myself right there on that trail. I said "My future is unknown yet I have the power to make it Great". I reminded myself that though my steps may be small they're still moving forward. That although I'm not where I thought I would be at this stage in the game I never gave up. I went with what was presented based on my decisions. I made the most of my circumstances and kept moving (forward). So as I watched those two young ladies I put a pep in my step and said "I still got it, I still have so much to do/offer". I'm glad that I was able to realize it. Those two girls re-ignited my drive. I wish the best for them. I hope they have Bright, Purposeful and Amazing lives (the life of their dreams). In short what I'm saying is YOU still have time!! As long as there is breath in your body it is Not too late. You and Me were meant to live a Fabulous life, let's keep working on living it!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Women In 3D...: Dream and Keep Dreaming...

Women In 3D...: Dream and Keep Dreaming...: Dream... Dream Big...Because Dreams do come true. As I'm watching Candice Glover's performances that led her to win season 12 of A...

Dream and Keep Dreaming...

Dream... Dream Big...Because Dreams do come true. As I'm watching Candice Glover's performances that led her to win season 12 of American Idol, I am getting goosebumps. Watching her achieve her dream had to be a Huge moment. To start out with only a dream and a vision...leaving your little town with your outcome unknown, hoping to make it through the auditions and then to win it all. That's definitely a WOW moment. Take a moment to just imagine the feeling... I am definitely a fan of Ms. Candice Glover (she was my pick all season) so seeing her win was amazing. Her winning put some things into perspective for me. That Dreams Absolutely Do Come True!!! Things may not work out the first time you venture out (Candice auditioned for American Idol on 2 separate seasons before coming back this season) but you must keep at it. You must hold on to the vision that maybe only YOU see. Maybe others haven't grasped your vision or aren't fully onboard. Yet you see it and know that is it attainable Do Not Lose that vision! Sometimes when things do not happen as we planned (right away) we give up. We lose our vision, we allow the pressure/disappointment to break us. Instead use those emotions to add more fuel to your drive. Give your all, Put in the work and most importantly Do Not Lose Your Vision! Remember keep dreaming... Dream Big...Because dreams Do come true. After all you were meant to live a Fabulous life so start working on living it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Women In 3D...: Sometimes it's hard to smile

Women In 3D...: Sometimes it's hard to smile: Call it an over the 30 hill crisis but I've been having down days lately, where it's been too hard to smile. It's been easier ju...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sometimes it's hard to smile

Call it an over the 30 hill crisis but I've been having down days lately, where it's been too hard to smile. It's been easier just to sulk. I've spent quite a bit of time asking questions to things beyond my control and just feeling blah. Considering I'm in Michigan maybe it's the weather that has me feeling the blues. Or maybe every step forward seems to be followed by 2 steps back But I'm still trudging along. Regardless of how bad I feel on those off days I won't allow myself to stay there. But sometimes I've just felt like feeling sorry for myself, my disappointments and wanting to wallow in self-pity. I've asked myself things like why couldn't my children have both parents in the home? Why doesn't my children's father do more or at least put forth more effort? Why does my mom have to be sickly? Why do I feel like I'm starting over? Why am I not where I want to be in life? What changes do I need to make to expedite things? So as you can see I've really been on a roll with my thoughts. I've really been feeling some type of way. I've just felt like it's hard not to ask these questions. Sometimes it's hard to look past your issues. Sometimes you do just want to be mad, feel down and upset and ask questions that really have no "good" answer. So as much as my mind went there I also had these thoughts to take me out of my funk. What purpose would it serve to keep feeling down? Is it helping me and/or bettering me to feel this way? The answer ...probably not. See we do need to acknowledge those thoughts and emotions because they are real. The thing is you cannot get caught up in them. Life isn't perfect and it isn't always fair. That's just the reality of things. There will be days that seem like your smile, your positivity, your progress is nonexistent. In those moments scream, shout, yell, cry ...do whatever you need to do to get those feelings out. Then dry your tears, take a deep breath and with your head held high keep moving forward. If you have a setback acknowledge it, they happen but they are not meant to make you stop! They are only meant to make you work harder, to recognize any mistakes and to teach you strength. When you find yourself feeling down, in the middle of a setback or just having a difficult time do like me and repeat these words... 1. There is more for me. 2. There is better for me. 3. I'm not done. 4. Anything God brings me to, He will bring me through. Say it over and over until you believe it. Say it until those feelings of uncertainty pass and your smile returns. There are ups and downs to life. Things will happen that make no sense. There will be things that we wish we could change. To those thoughts also keep in mind that trouble doesn't last always. Everything isn't for you to necessarily understand but you do need to trust that everything will work itself out just as it's suppose to. To every "thing" that we face there is a lesson and usually a Blessing. So as I go through my over the hill crisis I'm also learning. I'm learning things about myself, I'm learning that things do not have to happen in my time for things to turn out right. Most of all I've learned that in spite of all the stuff going on there is Always a reason to smile! I know I was meant to live a Fabulous life and I mean to live it (smiling). Thanks for taking the time to read my blog I hope you enjoyed it and that it helps if you find yourself feeling down. My blogs are meant to encourage you and help you know you are not alone. Please share any comments and take the time to SUBSCRIBE. Also like my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/womenin3D Thanks Again!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Me ....

New Year...New Me...I don't like that saying, its too cliche. If at the start of a new year we could just change ...what was going on those other 364 days? It's deeper than that. Each new day we're presented with a chance to start anew. So why wait for a new year to start before you start your change? In order to make lasting changes, you must change the way you think. Our thoughts can control our lives! Have you ever heard "as a man thinketh he is" or "we are what we think". Or quotes very similiar to these? Well these sayings are so true. How you think on a situation or think about yourself speaks volumes. Think positive and think believing in your change. You must believe whatever this great thing is that you want to do, be or achieve that you Can and you Will. You must believe that you are capable, deserving and worthy. Once you believe it and put the work into action, who can stop you but you? We are our own worst enemy. Within us is the power to succeed or fail. It all begins on how we think on the situation. So if you want to change you can. Instead of New Year, New Me let's say New Day, New Thoughts and More Focus! Remember stay positive, Productive, and realize your Potential! We all were meant to live a Fabulous life so let's start living it! Ladies, sorry for the break but I'm back. I hope the New Year found you in good health and spirits and ready to give your all toward living the life of your dreams!