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Sunday, September 30, 2012


I'm thinking of all the many times I wanted to do something and I stood in my own way. I let self doubt settle in and talked myself out of doing things. Things that I knew I was capable of. For years I've stood in my own way. I allowed fear to hold me back. There are so many just like ME. We wonder if we're good enough, how will others perceive me? Do I really have what it takes? The answer is we CAN do most anything we put our minds to. We CAN accomplish our goals and live our dreams. We CAN live that life we've dreamed about...we CAN live as we were destined to. However we must be willing to work, sacrifice, accept rejection and keep moving forward. I loved when Tyler Perry said "you can get hundreds of nos but it takes one yes from God to make our dream a reality". This is so true. Oprah's story inspires me the most. This young, black girl from a little rural town who was molested as a child went out and followed her dreams. Now she is a mogul, a household name and an inspiration to girls and women alike. Oh and let's not forget a billionaire. Or my favorite singer Beyonce. A young girl who had a vision. She wanted to sing, she wanted to share her gift. She wanted more than what she was initially told she could achieve. She worked at her craft, played and danced in heels and now she's an icon. A role model for girls that Nothing is impossible. Sure these are big names living life to the fullest but the same rules apply to You and Me! Our dreams no matter how big or small are attainable. I've always wanted to blog. I've loved reading and writing since as far back as I can remember. However I was scared to blog. I wondered would people really want to hear what I have to say? Am I really cut out to do this? It seemed like everytime I attempted to follow my passion I shut myself down. Then one day I decided no more blocking myself. I stepped out of my comfort zone and decided to go for it. Why? Because this is what I enjoy. Writing, being pro-woman, wanting to see my peers move to that next level in life while striving to get there myself. Whatever it is that you want to do know that you CAN! Sure there will be twists, turns and bends BUT you Can do it! Instead of allowing fear to hold you back I dare you to become your own Biggest cheerleader. Instead of but or what if...just say I can and I will. We can be our own biggest doubters or motivators. I'm asking You which will you be? Remember we were ALL meant to live a Fabulous life so let's it!! (I am, starting Now)

Monday, September 24, 2012

What is Women in 3D?

Women In 3D... Diverse. Destined. Determined. And that is what this blog is about US as Women and the many roles we play day to day. It's about our lives, our families, our desires, dreams and goals. Let's not forget our passions too. It's about the things that intrigue and inspire us and the things that get us down. It's about building each other up (we see enough of tearing each other down). This blog is about our journey...Mine...Yours...OURS! Together let's grow. Let's aim higher. Let's help each other get to that place that we can reach but we must put in the work. We'll share life experiences and downfalls but in every story there's a message and a lesson to be learned. Thank you for showing up to take this journey with me. My goal is to inspire just one person. We are Women In 3D...Diverse in ethnicity, cultures, dreams and our roles in the world. We are Destined for greatness and we are Determined to live a happy and prosperous life. We can all get there. I believe that and that is why I am starting this blog. my blog will always end with this phrase...We were All meant to live a Fabulous life so Let's Live It!! P.s Please comment. Leave topic suggestions. Share your story. This is my blog but I want to hear from you.