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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Me ....

New Year...New Me...I don't like that saying, its too cliche. If at the start of a new year we could just change ...what was going on those other 364 days? It's deeper than that. Each new day we're presented with a chance to start anew. So why wait for a new year to start before you start your change? In order to make lasting changes, you must change the way you think. Our thoughts can control our lives! Have you ever heard "as a man thinketh he is" or "we are what we think". Or quotes very similiar to these? Well these sayings are so true. How you think on a situation or think about yourself speaks volumes. Think positive and think believing in your change. You must believe whatever this great thing is that you want to do, be or achieve that you Can and you Will. You must believe that you are capable, deserving and worthy. Once you believe it and put the work into action, who can stop you but you? We are our own worst enemy. Within us is the power to succeed or fail. It all begins on how we think on the situation. So if you want to change you can. Instead of New Year, New Me let's say New Day, New Thoughts and More Focus! Remember stay positive, Productive, and realize your Potential! We all were meant to live a Fabulous life so let's start living it! Ladies, sorry for the break but I'm back. I hope the New Year found you in good health and spirits and ready to give your all toward living the life of your dreams!