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Friday, June 7, 2013

Looking Forward...

The other day while taking a stroll through the park two young girls jogged by me. Both appearing very carefree, laughing and like me just enjoying the weather and atmosphere. They looked about high school aged. As I watched these young girls all I thought of was "I remember those days". The days of not having a care in the world. When my biggest worries were what I was wearing to school or what I was doing over the weekend. Then I thought.... Wow to have your whole life before you. To have your whole future to still look forward to. Those things you stress over today that seem so big now yet years later they will seem so irrelevant. It made me stop and think about if I could go back to those days what would I redo. We all have at one point or another did this. Some just ran things through their minds, some spoke them out loud and others like me jotted them down. The thing about doing this is that ...it is Okay to acknowledge these things. Acknowledge the areas where we may have slacked but also know it is Never too late! A smart person came up with the saying, "It's not about how you begin but rather how you end that matters" (author unknown). Those two girls gave me a boost without knowing it. I remembered old promises I had made to myself. I remembered goals still undone. I vowed right there to go harder. To stay grounded and yet to soar. To not let go of my vision and my purpose and My Happy! See I never stopped dreaming (Thank God). I never gave up on me. However life did happen in a sequence that I wasn't always prepared for. Life happened when I wasn't always ready. Life happened while I was busy making plans. But Now ...in that moment of witnessing youth and Hope and an unknownn future passing by me I realized that my work is truly undone. I started to encourage Myself right there on that trail. I said "My future is unknown yet I have the power to make it Great". I reminded myself that though my steps may be small they're still moving forward. That although I'm not where I thought I would be at this stage in the game I never gave up. I went with what was presented based on my decisions. I made the most of my circumstances and kept moving (forward). So as I watched those two young ladies I put a pep in my step and said "I still got it, I still have so much to do/offer". I'm glad that I was able to realize it. Those two girls re-ignited my drive. I wish the best for them. I hope they have Bright, Purposeful and Amazing lives (the life of their dreams). In short what I'm saying is YOU still have time!! As long as there is breath in your body it is Not too late. You and Me were meant to live a Fabulous life, let's keep working on living it!

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