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Sunday, September 30, 2012


I'm thinking of all the many times I wanted to do something and I stood in my own way. I let self doubt settle in and talked myself out of doing things. Things that I knew I was capable of. For years I've stood in my own way. I allowed fear to hold me back. There are so many just like ME. We wonder if we're good enough, how will others perceive me? Do I really have what it takes? The answer is we CAN do most anything we put our minds to. We CAN accomplish our goals and live our dreams. We CAN live that life we've dreamed about...we CAN live as we were destined to. However we must be willing to work, sacrifice, accept rejection and keep moving forward. I loved when Tyler Perry said "you can get hundreds of nos but it takes one yes from God to make our dream a reality". This is so true. Oprah's story inspires me the most. This young, black girl from a little rural town who was molested as a child went out and followed her dreams. Now she is a mogul, a household name and an inspiration to girls and women alike. Oh and let's not forget a billionaire. Or my favorite singer Beyonce. A young girl who had a vision. She wanted to sing, she wanted to share her gift. She wanted more than what she was initially told she could achieve. She worked at her craft, played and danced in heels and now she's an icon. A role model for girls that Nothing is impossible. Sure these are big names living life to the fullest but the same rules apply to You and Me! Our dreams no matter how big or small are attainable. I've always wanted to blog. I've loved reading and writing since as far back as I can remember. However I was scared to blog. I wondered would people really want to hear what I have to say? Am I really cut out to do this? It seemed like everytime I attempted to follow my passion I shut myself down. Then one day I decided no more blocking myself. I stepped out of my comfort zone and decided to go for it. Why? Because this is what I enjoy. Writing, being pro-woman, wanting to see my peers move to that next level in life while striving to get there myself. Whatever it is that you want to do know that you CAN! Sure there will be twists, turns and bends BUT you Can do it! Instead of allowing fear to hold you back I dare you to become your own Biggest cheerleader. Instead of but or what if...just say I can and I will. We can be our own biggest doubters or motivators. I'm asking You which will you be? Remember we were ALL meant to live a Fabulous life so let's it!! (I am, starting Now)


  1. Please feel free to setup a goggle account so that you may comment and join in on any discussion! Thanks!

  2. Very encouraging! Sometimes we don't even pay attention to the fact that we are the main ones holding ourselves back!

  3. This reminds me of that poem our greatest fear...it talks about our greatest fear isn't that esse are going to fail but we are going to succeed...love this...very encouraging...

  4. I feel I also hold myself back a lot also..... Always scared to hear NO or to be rejected! So I guess at some point in time we all need to take a risk and move from that comfort zone to conquer our fears and reach our goals and dreams!! Thanks Nesh!!

  5. I am sooo looking forward to c how far you go with this ;) I love things like this, It feels good to hear it from a personal friend. I think it makes it sink in better!!! ;) Def going to keep reading these n keep me updated on every blog posting please

  6. Thanks Ashley L, Mylee, Ashei and Ashley W! I appreciate your feedback and I too can't wait to see what happens with this blog. This post is one that is too often true of us let's start to make an effort to try one thing we've always wanted to. That first step is always the hardest....but you can do it at least TRY!!

  7. I always used to live my life surrounded by what if's. But there comes a point in your life where you reach a stand still and you have gone as far as you can go and the reason for this is because you are afraid to open a new door because on the other side are experiences unknown and these types of experiences are scary to us. As women in today's world we need to have the desire to be more then we are. We need to set ourselves up for success and not failure. If we should desire a man in our life, let that man be the type of man that is going to stand behind you and not in front of you. If you fall make sure he is there to help you and not laying his big ole' behind on top of you so you can't get back up. I was a young mother at 19 and I became a single young mother at 20. It became clear to me very fast that not only did I have to succeed for myself but also for my child. I vowed and promised myself that the next child I brought into this world was going to be my a man that deserved what I had to offer life and he believed in the same and wanted the same. Surprising as it may seem it took 11 years for that to happen. I realize now that this was a blessing because at 19 I was not striving for better I was excepting the whatever. Whatever was there I took it and whatever came to me I felt there was nothing better. I was my worst enemy and I was standing in my own way. Now at 34 I have three amazing children and a husband that would move mountains for me if he had too. I went back to college and attained my Masters Degree, I own a home and have accepted the help from the good Lord above. It took me standing back and getting out of my own way to realize nothing was going to get better unless I wanted it to. Now enough about me. This is a great forum Vanesha for women young and old to share their experiences and help other women realize that we can achieve greatness if only we try and want for more. Just by reading someone else's experiences good or bad we can see that it is attainable. Great job my friend!

    1. Thanks Kara for telling your story! That's what this blog is a way for women to see its not just you and regardless of how your story starts you hold the tools to give it a great end. One thing I'll always be is honest and I'll give the truth, the good and bad. Sometimes we need that wake up call. So Ladies never give in to your current circumstance keep pushing and striving....look at Kara she did it and so can You! Next post will be up shortly!
